LTFT Training

A number of Foundation doctors are training LTFT.  This may be a lifestyle choice or to manage a health condition or caring responsibility.  Please read the information below if you are considering LTFT training at 80% and discuss wth your Educational Supervisor in the first instance.  If you have a health condition and are struggling with full time working as a result, please contact a member of the Foundation team so we can ensure all appropriate support is being offered.

Less than full time training.docx

A process map of the LTFT application process and a copy of the application form are provided below.

LTFT Process April 2024 Flow Chart.pdf
LTFT Application Form April 2024.docx

LTFT process: at recruitment stage

LTFT process: Foundation doctor already in post

Foundation LTFT process - at Recruitment stage.pdf
Foundation LTFT process - In post.pdf